Happy Faces in the favelas- Brazil

Apologies for not reaching out sooner as we have had so much going on, thus, we are behind in communicating!

Ministry continues as usual and, now that a good number of people here are vaccinated, it seems like things have settled down a little for now. Our team is in full swing ministering in the favelas and taking care of everything here at the mission property. I’ve added a few recent pictures below:

Precious kids receiving food and milk in a favela in Sao Paulo

Food prices in Brazil have soared and keeping food on the table is a huge struggle for so many families. Thanks to generous donors we are able to provide “Food Baskets” and boxes of milk to many of them!

Anderson giving milk to little kids after their bible story class and Melinda handing out bread rolls.
Fresh veggies from our garden (as well as some brocolli donated by a local farmer) plus a hot meal (in the styrofoam covered dish) were very, very well received by many families.
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Hot meals being prepared by our team for needy families.
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Donated clothing ready to be given out
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Three weeks ago we were blessed to have Pete perform our daughters wedding, it was so beautiful!!

We will be working on a newsletter very soon and hope to get it out to everyone soon. Thank you so much for your prayers and your support!!

Much love, Pete & Jodi

Tax-deductible giving

There are two ways to give:
Online: www.cmcmissions.org/donate select the “Click & Give” logo. Choose our name “Pete & Jodi Brennan” from the drop down list to give your donation using a credit card. Please specify if donating to Pete & Jodi’s personal support or a ministry project (such as Embrace-a-Child, Volunteers’ offerings, etc), or, ‘for use at Pete & Jodi’s discretion” You will receive a tax-deductible receipt.

If you would prefer to send a check: Please make your check payable to Central Missionary Clearinghouse and mail to P.O. Box 219228 Houston, TX 77218-9228. Please specify if donating to Pete & Jodi’s personal support or a ministry project (such as Embrace-a-Child, Volunteers’ offerings, etc), or, ‘for use at Pete & Jodi’s discretion” You will receive a tax-deductible receipt.

Thank You!!

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am