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Group Resources

Lessons and conversation starters for groups leaders

The Future Beckons: (Session 1)

Ready for a Miracle: Building Lives and Faith


  1. Read Luke 8
  2. Watch video
  3. Answer questions
Lesson Questions

Storms and Miracles: In the story of the storm (Luke 8:22-25), the disciples were terrified, but the storm ultimately prepared them to witness a miracle. Can you think of a time when a personal “storm” in your life opened your heart to see God’s power in a new way? How did that experience change your perspective?

Facing Chaos: The demon-possessed man recognized Jesus even in his darkest moment. What internal struggles or “chaos” are you currently facing that might be blocking your spiritual growth? How can you invite Jesus into those areas to bring healing and clarity?

Have a faith that pushes through and perseveres: The woman who reached out to touch Jesus’ cloak didn’t wait for the perfect moment—she acted in faith despite the obstacles. Is there an area in your life where you feel called to take a bold step of faith, even if it feels like an interruption or long shot? What’s holding you back from reaching out to Jesus in that area?

Holding onto Hope: Like Jairus, there are times when it feels “too late” for a miracle, yet Jesus told him to just believe. Is there a situation in your life right now where you’re struggling to keep hope alive? How can you choose to trust God’s timing, even when it feels like the situation is beyond repair?

Why do you think Luke began this chapter with a story about the generosity of women who were following Jesus?

What do you think motivated their willingness to participate in giving? What were the results of their generosity?

How did Pastor Bill compare what we are doing in ministry with their support of Jesus’ ministry?

Lord, prepare our hearts for the miracle You want to do. Help us to step forward in faith, even when it feels risky. Calm the storms, heal the chaos, and bring life where we need it most. We are available to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

The Future Beckons:
(Session 2)

Faith the Risks: Living Beyond the Status Quo


  1. Read Hebrews 11
  2. Watch video
  3. Answer questions
Lesson Questions

Faith in Action: Noah obeyed God without fully understanding what was ahead. Can you share a time when you felt called to take a step of faith, even when it didn’t make sense? How did that experience shape your faith journey?

 Generosity and Trust: Abel’s offering was accepted because it was given by faith. How do you approach giving—whether time, resources, or love—when it feels like you don’t have enough? What would it look like to give more by faith?

Comfort vs. Calling: Moses chose discomfort and uncertainty over the luxuries of Egypt because he trusted God’s greater purpose. What’s an area of your life where following God feels uncomfortable right now? How might God be using this discomfort to grow your faith?

 Living the Adventure: The talk encouraged living an adventurous life of faith rather than settling for comfort. What’s one practical step of obedience, generosity, or trust you feel God is calling you to take this week to move toward that adventure?

Noah built an ark to save his family and all the creatures of the earth, responding with bold faith and action. We, too, are building something transformative on Sunset Drive, creating a place of safety and hope for as many people as possible. Think of a time when God stepped in and rescued you when the situation seemed impossible. How did He provide when you saw no way out? And now, what is your part in the rescue mission God is calling us to?

Lord, help us to live by faith—obediently, generously, and completely. Lead us out of our comfort zones and into the adventure You have for us. Give us the courage to trust You, even when we don’t see the whole picture. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am