What’s the difference between a Gift, a Tithe and an Offering?

Published: November 1, 2024
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What’s the difference between a Gift, a Tithe and an Offering?

A Gift is any financial donation made to and through the church. We view every gift to be an act of worship deserving to be treated as God’s money for God’s kingdom mission.
The Tithe is the way we fund all the weekly on-going minis-tries of the Church. A tithe is the first tenth of our earnings to be returned to the Lord to help underwrite the extending of God’s kingdom mission through the local church.

At Christ Journey we give tithes week by week to be used in ministry as designated by the Church through our Annual Ministry Budget. Our tithes serve as fuel in the tank of our church family vehicle serving every age group funding all operations, salaries and ministries.

Tithes provide for materials, property and space needs, personnel requirements, and a host of other items essential for the worship, discipleship, community fellowship, ministry and service and outreach and mission experiences that keep our church vital.

An Offering is an individual’s gift given above and beyond their tithe. Such giving is called an offering since it is given as an expression of love, and oftentimes, sacrifice on behalf of the worshiper. The anointing of Jesus (John 12:3) and the widow’s mite (Luke 21:3-4) are two expressions of offerings.

Offerings are received by Christ Journey for:
  • Building funds – from which we construct new facilities and resource them for ministry in the purchase of new equipment for children, youth and communication technology, etc.
  • Missions – through which we do ministry in serving human needs beyond our walls with partners and in projects locally and globally
  • Memorials – gifts given from members and non-members alike in memory of loved ones now deceased.
  • Other offerings – may include estates, stocks and bonds, mutual funds, real estate, insurance, and personal property. Our financial staff stand ready to assist you in all these areas.
What happens to the gifts I give?
At Christ Journey, 85% of our contributions are made by digital means, 10% by check, and 5% by cash. All gifts received are processed and allocated according to the highest standards of transparency, security and accountability.
To ensure that all funds are used appropriately all Christ Journey financials are:
  • Overseen by Jose Diez, Executive Director of Business Administration, Church CFO, Cell 954-614-5059
  • Reviewed and approved by the Church Board bi-monthly
  • Reviewed and approved in regular Church Business meetings twice a year
  • Reviewed annually by an  independent external auditor
How can I set up my giving to be digital and recurring?
Click here and our site will guide you step by step.
Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am