Christ-Journey-Church-Ministry Match Logo

There's a perfect place for you to serve within our community!

Christ-Journey-Church-1 Spiritual Gifts
Christ-Journey-Church-ministry match puzzle piece
Christ-Journey-Church-3 Serve at CJ
Spiritual Gifts

Complete your spiritual gifts assessment to identify your top 5 gifts.

Ministry Match

Discover the opportunities that align with your spiritual gifts and fill you with purpose.

Serve with Us

Our ministry leaders will meet with you to align you with a serving opportunity.

Select Your Areas of Interest

Worship Arts
CJ Kids
Operations & Finance
Creative Media
Young Adults
Guest Services
Campus Facilities

Select Your Spiritual Gifts


Select Your Top 1-5 Serving Roles

Christ-Journey-Church-Worship Arts Weekend Programmer

Weekend Programmer

Worship Arts

Brainstorms creative and multi-media ideas for weekend experiences

Christ-Journey-Church-Worship Arts Lights Programmer

Lights Programmer

Worship Arts

Programs lighting system for weekly experiences

Christ-Journey-Church-Worship Arts Media Programmer

Media Programmer

Worship Arts

Creates media/slide shows in ProPresenter 7 for weekly experiences

Christ-Journey-Church-Worship Arts Producer


Worship Arts

Coordinates service schedule and flow of information between production and platform teams

Christ-Journey-Church-Worship Arts Video Director

Video Director

Worship Arts

Creatively directs the video switcher and manages all live video production areas

Christ-Journey-Church-Worship Arts Video Camera Operator

Video Camera Operator

Worship Arts

Operates one of five possible video cameras

Christ-Journey-Church-Worship Arts Media Operator

Media Operator

Worship Arts

Operates media shows in ProPresenter 7 for Sunday experiences

Christ-Journey-Church-Worship Arts Lights Operator

Lights Operator

Worship Arts

Operates lighting system for Sunday experiences

Christ-Journey-Church-Worship Arts FOH Audio Engineer

FOH Audio Engineer

Worship Arts

Programs, operates, and mixes audio for Sunday experiences

Christ-Journey-Church-Worship Arts Spanish Interpretator

Spanish Interpretator

Worship Arts

Engages listener thru heartfelt interpretation of the pastor's message and other worship elements

Christ-Journey-Church-Worship Arts Spanish Transcriber

Spanish Transcriber

Worship Arts

Transcribes pastor's message and other worship elements into Spanish

Christ-Journey-Church-Worship Arts Radio Distributor

Radio Distributor

Worship Arts

Distributes translation radios to guests before the experience and receives them back afterward.

Christ-Journey-Church-Worship Arts Volunteer Hospitality

Volunteer Hospitality

Worship Arts

Assists with purchase, preparation, cleanup of snacks for worship volunteers

Christ-Journey-Church-Worship Arts Vocalist


Worship Arts

Skilled vocalists for solo, background, or ensembles as scheduled

Christ-Journey-Church-Worship Arts Instrumentalist


Worship Arts

Skilled rhythm section, brass, woodwind, and string players who provide music support as needed

Christ-Journey-Church-Worship Arts Spoken Word

Spoken Word

Worship Arts

Actors who provide interpretive communication

Christ-Journey-Church-Worship Arts Poet


Worship Arts

Creates original poetry/lyrics based on themes and instructions developed during worship planning

Christ-Journey-Church-Kids Coach



2+ years serving in CJ kids, oversee as an extension of the staff & manage the Sunday experience.

Christ-Journey-Church-Kids Class Director

Class Director


1+ years serving in CJ Kids, champion of fun, order, and leader of lessons sharing Jesus’ love!

Christ-Journey-Church-Kids Small group Leader

Small group Leader


Lead kids activities and games, support Class Director in building faith foundations.

Christ-Journey-Church-Kids Teen Leader

Teen Leader


6th-12th grade student. A key piece of the puzzle—bringing the fun!

Christ-Journey-Church-Kids Buddies Leader Neurodiversity

Buddies Leader (Neurodiversity)


Partner with neurodiverse kids, provide support in small groups and collaborate with parents.

Christ-Journey-Church-Kids Host team Director

Host team Director


Lead the Host team, support check in, troubleshoot and create a friendly atmosphere!

Christ-Journey-Church-Kids Host team Leader

Host team Leader


Welcome families, check in kids via iPads, answer questions, and learn names—people love it!

Christ-Journey-Church-Kids Curriculum Support Leader

Curriculum Support Leader


Organize and prepare lesson materials, games, and supplies to help make Sundays in CJ Kids awesome!

Christ-Journey-Church-Kids Kids Camp Counselor

Kids Camp Counselor


Lead and disciple kids in fun and faith as they learn more about Jesus

Christ-Journey-Church-Students Welcome Team

Welcome Team


Engages all students by creating a welcoming atmosphere through greetings and connections

Christ-Journey-Church-Students Rally Team

Rally Team


Platform presence, hosting games, announcements, and service transitions

Christ-Journey-Church-Students Production Team

Production Team


Controls timing & structure of service, as well as audio, visuals & sermon aids.

Christ-Journey-Church-Students Creative Team

Creative Team


Photography, videography, graphic design and social media.

Christ-Journey-Church-Students Worship Team

Worship Team


Sets a worship environment through talents and gifts like vocals, and instrumentals.

Christ-Journey-Church-Students Student Groups Team

Student Groups Team


Fosters spiritual growth and connection through Bible study, guided discussions, and prayer.

Christ-Journey-Church-Students Student Camp Counselor

Student Camp Counselor


Lead and disciple students in fun and faith as they learn more about God

Christ-Journey-Church-Digital Online Online Audio Engineer

Online Audio Engineer


Partner with our Worship Production team to mix live audio for our Sunday online experiences.

Christ-Journey-Church-Digital Online Online Video Switcher

Online Video Switcher


Partner with our Worship Production team to switch live video for our Sunday online experiences.

Christ-Journey-Church-Digital Online Online Chat Host

Online Chat Host


Facilitates discussions and prayer online helping the live online community grow together in Christ.

Christ-Journey-Church-Digital Online App Content Manager

App Content Manager


Help to publish provided content that is relevant and fresh for the spiritual growth of our users.

Christ-Journey-Church-Digital Online Website Content Manager

Website Content Manager


Help to publish provided content that is relevant and fresh for the spiritual growth of our users.

Christ-Journey-Church-Digital Online Live Stream Content Manager

Live Stream Content Manager


Help to publish provided content giving our online attendees the tools to effectively engage.

Christ-Journey-Church-Creative Media Online Communicator

Online Communicator

Creative Media

On-screen talent leading online viewers in a meaningful and engaging digital experience.

Christ-Journey-Church-Creative Media Visionmaker


Creative Media

Create concepts and storyboards to inspire content reflecting our ministry's heart.

Christ-Journey-Church-Creative Media Photographer


Creative Media

Capture high-quality images to enhance communication at church events and experiences.

Christ-Journey-Church-Creative Media Videographer


Creative Media

Craft videos highlighting events and storytelling aligned with the church's vision.

Christ-Journey-Church-Creative Media Graphic Designer

Graphic Designer

Creative Media

Help design digital assets for communications.

Christ-Journey-Church-Creative Media Social Media Manager

Social Media Manager

Creative Media

Assist in managing social media platforms, create live stories and aid in generating engagement.

Christ-Journey-Church-Engagement Start Up Development Partner

Start-Up Development Partner


Helps people connect in our Church Family.

Christ-Journey-Church-Engagement EDGE Development Partner

EDGE Development Partner


Helps people experience life on the EDGE.

Christ-Journey-Church-Engagement Discipleship Development Partner 411 D3

Discipleship Development Partner (411 & D3)


Helps prepare individuals as disciples to make disciples.

Christ-Journey-Church-Groups Online Group Leader

Online Group Leader


Facilitates discussions and activities online bringing the community closer and growing in Christ.

Christ-Journey-Church-Groups Group Leader

Group Leader


Fosters spiritual growth and connection through Bible study, guided discussions, and prayer

Christ-Journey-Church-Groups Coach



Shepherd and equip 5–10 small-group leaders and offering support and assistance as needed.

Christ-Journey-Church-Groups Host Home

Host Home


Provide a welcoming space where relationships deepen, faith grows, and everyone feels at home.

Christ-Journey-Church-Guest Services Connections Director

Connections Director

Guest Services

Leads Guest Services, welcomes & integrates first time guests, oversees all connections.

Christ-Journey-Church-Guest Services Greeter Champion

Greeter Champion

Guest Services

Enthusiastically and effectively leads Greeters during all worship hours.

Christ-Journey-Church-Guest Services Greeter Volunteer

Greeter Volunteer

Guest Services

Assist in welcoming and greeting every person they encounter, specifically at points of entrance.

Christ-Journey-Church-Guest Services Usher Champion

Usher Champion

Guest Services

Enthusiastically and effectively leads Ushers during all worship hours.

Christ-Journey-Church-Guest Services Usher


Guest Services

Warmly receive guests in the auditorium and provides them with the best seat in the house while protecting the worship experience.

Christ-Journey-Church-Guest Services Cafe Champion

Cafe Champion

Guest Services

Enthusiastically and effectively leads Cafe Hosts and volunteers during all worship hours.

Christ-Journey-Church-Guest Services Cafe


Guest Services

Provides friendly and efficient coffee and snack services in the designated café area.

Christ-Journey-Church-Guest Services Host Champion

Host Champion

Guest Services

Enthusiastically and effectively leads Hosts during all worship hours.

Christ-Journey-Church-Guest Services Host


Guest Services

Warmly seeks out and identifies all first time guests while making sure they feel at home and receive appropriate information.

Christ-Journey-Church-Guest Services Parking Champion

Parking Champion

Guest Services

Enthusiastically and effectively leads Parking team during all worship hours.

Christ-Journey-Church-Guest Services Parking Volunteer

Parking Volunteer

Guest Services

Provide a safe and friendly environment from the moment they arrive while helping them find appropriate parking and assisting those with special needs.

Christ-Journey-Church-Missions Partner Engagement Champion

Partner Engagement Champion


Mantains Quaterly communications with all loca/global partners. Communicates Partner's needs.

Christ-Journey-Church-Dental Champion

Medical/Dental Champion


Assists Coordinating Medical/Dental Mission Trips

Christ-Journey-Church-Missions Digital Champion

Digital Champion


Coordinates improvements and announcements to our website.

Christ-Journey-Church-Missions Prayer Champion

Prayer Champion


Facitlitates Paowerful and effective prayer for the MLT. Leads the Prayer meeting every month.

Christ-Journey-Church-Missions Student Ministry Liaison

Student Ministry Liaison


Liaison between Student Ministry and YA for local global opportunities

Christ-Journey-Church-Missions Go Global Champion

Go Global Champion


Helps determine possible mission trips and recruits and trains global trip leaders

Christ-Journey-Church-Missions OCC Coordinator

OCC Coordinator


Leads the OCC effort and Christ Journey

Christ-Journey-Church-Missions Home Team Liaison

Home Team Liaison


Coordinates with small groups and Mission trips to be a Home Team

Christ-Journey-Church-Missions Go Local Champion

Go Local Champion


Coordinates local partner projects.

Christ-Journey-Church-Missions City Serve Coordinator

City Serve Coordinator


Helps determine possible sites, recrits and trains leaders for each city serve.

Christ-Journey-Church-Missions Prision Ministry Coordinator

Prision Ministry Coordinator


Goes into local prisions to share the Gospel

Christ-Journey-Church-Missions Disaster Relief Training Coordinator

Disaster Relief Training Coordinator


In charge of disaster relief trainings/certifications /puts groups together in case of a need

Christ-Journey-Church-Missions Fundraising Champion

Fundraising Champion


New position - Helps with strategies to raise money for our local and global partners

Christ-Journey-Church-Missions Care Portal Coordinator

Care Portal Coordinator


Monitors Portal for needs to provide for foster families

No currently open roles match your selections, please try adjusting your selections or contact us directly for assistance finding a Ministry Match.

Provide Your Contact Information & Submit

You’re almost done! In this final step, please provide your contact information so we can follow up with you about the roles you’ve selected and help you take the next steps.

Your information will remain confidential and will only be used to connect you with the right opportunities based on your selections. We’re excited to help you find your place to serve!

After you submit the form, we’ll be in touch soon to help you get started with your new serving role. Thank you for taking the time to complete this form—we’re excited to see how your gifts and passions will make a difference!

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am