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Discover meaningful ways to serve and impact lives

Use your unique talents to serve

At Christ Journey Church, we believe that every individual possesses unique talents and gifts that can be harnessed to make a meaningful impact within our faith community.

Serve Teams

Guest Services

At Christ Journey Church, our Guest Services team welcomes newcomers and regular attendees alike with open arms. We strive to create a warm and inviting environment, ensuring that everyone who enters our doors feels valued and at home.

Communication Team

The Communications team at Christ Journey Church is the voice behind our messages, working tirelessly to connect with our congregation and the community at large through various media channels, ensuring clear and effective communication of our church’s mission and activities.

Family Ministry Team

Our Family Ministries team is dedicated to nurturing and supporting families in their faith journey. From children to parents, we provide age-appropriate programs and resources that strengthen family bonds and spiritual growth.


Join our Groups team in fostering a sense of belonging and community within our church. We offer a variety of small groups and gatherings that encourage personal growth, fellowship, and meaningful connections with others.


Our Missions team is dedicated to making a global impact by serving communities in need and spreading the message of hope and love. Join us in our mission to make the world a better place through acts of kindness and outreach.

Worship Arts

The Worship Arts team leads our congregation in meaningful and inspiring worship experiences. If you have a passion for music and creative expression, consider joining us in creating a vibrant atmosphere of praise and adoration.

Student Ministry

Our Student Ministry team guides and supports young people on their spiritual journeys. Whether you’re a teenager looking to connect or an adult eager to mentor, you can be a part of shaping the future of our church through this vital ministry.

Church Online

In today’s digital age, our Church Online team reaches beyond physical boundaries to connect with a global audience. Join us in delivering meaningful online worship experiences and building a virtual community of faith.

Digital Media

The Digital Media team is responsible for capturing and sharing the heart of our church through various digital platforms. Whether it’s photography, videography, or social media, we aim to tell our story in compelling ways.

See what God can do in your life

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Ready to serve?

Fill out the interest form and one of our team leaders will reach out soon.

Christ Journey welcomes:

Jim Burns

Guest Speaker Jim Burns, Best-Selling Marriage & Family Author, joins our Family Made series this weekend! Attend in-person or online.

This Sunday
June 11th - 9:30am & 11am